Book 2 of the Tokorel series, “Tokorel,” continues the adventures of Linsora Anselm and Permac Sudé. Linsora leaves her home world of Khizara in search of Permac and peace between her home and Tokorel.
Will Linsora's journey to Tokorel, under the watchful eye of her enemy, be a safe one? And how will the planet of Tokorel, after two centuries of animosity, receive her?
Linsora is chosen to visit the home of her people’s enemy as an ambassador, offering to mend 200 years of hostility between them. But how will she be received by these people whom the Khizaran regard as the embodiment of evil?
Her purpose is twofold. She must try to establish peaceful relations and, at the same time, locate her lost lover, whom she fears is captured or dead.
With numerous obstacles in her path, will Linsora manage to escape Tokorel unscathed? Will she be able to reunite with Permac, the man she cherishes above all?
The prophecy, which predicts the arrival of a savior who will unite both worlds, seems to align with Linsora. However, she remains skeptical, hoping it’s not her. But could an entire planet come to see her as the one who will bring their leader’s visions to life?
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